José Silva

Jose Silva is the founder of The Silva Method, and a pioneer in mind empowerment research. Silva dedicated his life to awakening the human mind’s hidden potential. After 24 years of research, he released his findings in 1966 and spent the rest of his life perfecting and teaching The Silva Method. Silva’s legacy is carried on today through Silva International, an organization committed to continuing his mission.
José's Early Life
José's Early Life

Jose Silva was born on August 11, 1914, in Laredo, Texas. At the age of four, he moved in with their grandmother along with his older sister, and younger brother, as they lost their father and his mother remarried soon.
Two years later, at the age of 6, he became the family breadwinner, selling newspapers, shining shoes, and doing odd jobs. In the evenings, he watched his sister and brother do their homework, and they helped him learn to read and write. He has never gone to school except to teach.
Jose, raised in poverty, began one day when he was waiting his turn in a barbershop. He reached for something to read. What he picked up was a lesson from a correspondence course on how to repair radios. Jose asked to borrow it, but the barber would only rent it, and that on one condition that Jose completes the examinations in the back in the barber's name. Each week Jose paid a dollar, read the lesson, and completed the examination.
José Silva was the visionary behind the Silva Method, a self-improvement program that has helped millions of people around the world lead happier and healthier lives. Discover how José Silva's teachings can change your life with the Silva Method today.
Jose Silva's Career
Jose Silva's Career

Soon a diploma hung in the barbershop, while across town Jose, at the age of fifteen, he began to repair radios. As the years passed, his repair business became one of the largest in the area, providing money for the education of his brother and sister, the wherewithal for him to marry, plus eventually some half-million dollars to finance the twenty years of research that led to The Silva Method.
Silva has studied advanced electronics to join the Signal Corps as an Instructor in WORLD WAR II.
When he was discharged, with savings gone and $200 in his pocket, he began slowly to rebuild his business. At the same time, he took a half-time teaching job at Laredo Junior College, where he supervised three other teachers and was charged with creating the school’s electronics laboratories.
Five years later, with television on the scene, his repair business began to flourish and Jose called a halt to his teaching career. His business once again became the largest in town.
Jose Silva began his journey as a humble radio repairman in Laredo, Texas, and later as an electronics instructor with the United States Army Signal Corps.
Despite his career in electronics, Silva had a keen interest in hypnosis and the workings of the human mind. He spent his days working at his job and his nights studying the work of thought leaders like Freud, Jung, and Adler.
How Jose Silva has started his research on The Silva Method?
How Jose Silva has started his research on The Silva Method?

Another man with diplomas, these more conscientiously earned than the barber’s, inadvertently sparked this research. The man was a psychiatrist whose job was to ask questions of men being inducted into the Signal Corps during World War II.
“Do you wet your bed?” Jose’ was dumbfounded.“Do you like women?” Jose, the father of three, and destined one day to be the father of ten, was appalled.
Surely, he thought, the man knew more about the human mind than the barber knew about radios. Why such stupid questions?
It was this perplexing moment that started Jose on an odyssey of scientific research that led to his becoming—without diplomas or certificates—one of the most creative scholars of his age. Through their writings, Freud, Jung, and Adler became his early teachers.
The stupid questions took on deeper meanings, and soon Jose was ready to ask a question of his own: Is it possible, using hypnosis, to improve a person’s learning ability—in fact, raise his I.Q.? In those days I.Q. was believed to be something we were born with, but Jose was not so sure.
What he learned about hypnosis, plus what he knew about electronics, plus some F’s on his children’s report cards brought him back to the question he had raised earlier—can learning ability, the I.Q., be improved through some kind of mental training?
Step by Step Progress on Jose Silva Research
Step by Step Progress on Jose Silva Research

Jose soon abandoned hypnosis and began experimenting with mental training exercises to quiet the brain yet keep it more independently alert than in hypnosis. This, he reasoned, would lead to improved memory combined with understanding and hence to higher I.Q. scores.
The exercises from which The Silva Method evolved called for relaxed concentration and vivid mental visualization as ways of reaching lower levels. Once reached, these levels proved more effective than Beta in learning. The proof was in his children’s sharply improved grades over a three-year period while he continued to improve his techniques.
Jose had now scored a very significant one, which other research, principally biofeedback, has since confirmed. He was the first person to prove that we can learn to function with awareness at the Alpha and Theta frequencies of the brain. Another first, an equally astonishing one, was soon to come.
Success through José's eyes
Anyone who asks Jose what success has meant to him will be answered with a flood of success stories. A few examples:
A woman wrote to the Boston Herald American begging for some way to help her husband, who was tormented by migraine headaches. The newspaper printed her letter, then another letter the next day from someone else, also pleading for a way to control such headaches.
A physician read these letters and wrote that she had had migraine headaches all her life. She had taken The Jose Silva Method and had not had one since. “And would you believe it, the next introductory lecture was mobbed. Absolutely mobbed.”
Another physician, a prominent psychiatrist, advises all his patients to take The Silva Method because it gives them insights that in some cases would require two years of therapy to produce.
An entire marketing company was organized as a coop by graduates who used what they learned in The Silva Method to invent new products and devise ways of marketing them. In its third year, the company has eighteen products on the market.
An advertising man used to need about two months to create a campaign for new clients about average in his field. Now, with The Silva Method, the basic ideas come in twenty minutes and the rest of the work is done in two weeks.
Fourteen Chicago White Sox players took The Silva Method. All their individual averages improved, most of them dramatically.
Although Jose smiles easily, when he hears “Jose, you’ve changed my life!” the smile fades a little and he says, “No, I didn’t do it. You did, your own mind.”
How do you make the mind more efficient? The turning question of Jose Silva
Through his professional knowledge, Silva already knew that reducing the resistance in an electrical wire allowed more electricity to flow through it (known as Ohm’s law). Using this theory as an anchor, he then wondered.
We have spent nearly 50 years researching, experimenting & collaborating with leading scientists, researchers, and personal growth leaders. The first scientist to investigate the research of The Silva Method was Dr. J. Wilfrid Hahn of the Mind Science Foundation in California, who went on to endorse our work. Since then, various research institutions, universities, and scientists have studied and verified our research.
Over the years we have continued to fine-tune the process of tapping into the human mind’s inner potential-and often profoundly changing our students’ lives in the process. We do this through an optimized curriculum that includes the Centering Exercise, guided meditations, visualization techniques, intuition-enhancing tools, and Theta level exercises, which guide our students into an even deeper level of mind than Alpha.
What The Scientific Community Has to Say About The Silva Method
In the past 5 decades, The Silva Method has touched over 12 million lives in 110 countries and is used by everyone from celebrities to high-flying CEOs to regular people in search of personal breakthroughs.
Our books have sold over 12 million copies, our seminars continue to sell out across the world, and our findings have been endorsed and practiced by many of the world’s most respected scientists, doctors, thought leaders and spiritual teachers.
Extract from a New York Times Article on Jose Silva
“A recent study by Trinity University, San Antonio, Tex. would appear to indicate that graduates of The Silva Method do attain a high degree of Alpha production. C. W. Post College, Greenvale, L. I., is planning to offer the course at its business school this fall and Canisius College will offer it in its Department of Religious Studies. A visit to a The Silva Method class in New York discloses more stockbrokers than bearded way outs and the dress style is closer to Brookes Brothers than to the East Village. A major New York company has sent all its top executives through the course and its president, a hard-headed businessman is seriously thinking of instituting an in-house training program for all employees. He refused to speak for the record, saying, “We think there is something there, but I don’t want to alarm our stockbrokers at the moment.” Other businessmen are not so reluctant. Lee Epstein, a vice-president, and art group supervisor at Doyle Dane Bernbach volunteered: It opened the gates for me. It has re-energized me, made me more creative and yet more relaxed. I practice it every day and get better and better at my job and my life.”
Jose Silva’s discovery, which he called “The Silva Method”, went on to become the basis of many personal growth programs in the United States, and was covered in various media including the New York Times and The Washington Post. His first book went on to become an international bestseller, selling over 12 million copies.
Many personal growth icons have also enthusiastically endorsed The Silva Method. Jack Canfield, for example, has since called it the source The media, thought leaders and the masses take notice of the human potential movement, and “one of the most profound approaches to human potential development I have ever discovered”.
Although Jose Silva passed away in 1999, his teachings continue to be spread worldwide through the Silva International organization. Today, over 12 million people in 110 countries, including doctors, entrepreneurs, artists, and celebrities, have used Jose Silva Method training to improve their lives in many inspiring ways, which is why we’re confident that no matter what your personal objective is, you too can experience positive results.
José Silva Books

The key to being extraordinary is knowing what rules to follow and what rules to break.

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