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Silva Cases
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Frequently Asked Questions
Is there any support material during the course?
Why is the 3-day course shorter for the same price?
Is it possible to learn the Silva Method at home, with books?
Are there payment plans?
What is a Silva Graduate?
Can I be reimbursed?
Where can I find information about your different courses?
How can I pay?
Will meditating bring results without regular practice?
What is the difference between Alpha d Theta levels and when to use them?
Is there a feeling associated with Alpha Brain Function?
When I do my meditations, I always fall asleep. What can I do to prevent that from happening?
I seem to get distracting thoughts when I meditate. Is that normal?
How do I know I am functioning at the Alpha Brain Frequency?
Is meditation really that important?
How often and for how long should I meditate?
How soon can I expect to see the results from meditating?
Is there anything to be afraid of when I meditate?
Do you recommend that I meditate with the lights off and with some special music in the background?
Do I have to write down my goals, or can I just think of them?
I have difficulty visualizing. How do I make my images clear?
How do I stay positive?
The Sleep Management Technique doesn't seem to work for me. What am I doing wrong?
The Sleep Management Technique works so well. Why is that?
Does the Sleep Management Strategy work for long-time insomniacs that have been on sleep medication for years?
Why does the Mental Clock Technique work so well?
I was concerned I wouldn't wake up on time, so I set my physical and mental clock, yet I didn't wake up. Why?
I did the Mental Clock Strategy, and I kept waking up several times during the night and checking the clock to see if it was time to get up. Is this how it works?