“Persist in action and success is yours.”
What do you feel after reading this quote? Do you feel positive? Now if you feel positive then you must say that it has worked for you. All people need some motivation to reach their desired goal. In this progressive era, we often make mistakes, lose all hopes, lose focus, lose the goal of life, create a huge impenetrable wall in doubt and despair, from which we cannot get out. At this moment, any type of motivation can break down the wall of impenetrability around us and get us back on track. Now to get motivated or to be focused , we first need to understand what motivation is.
What is motivation?
Motivation is a cause or condition that encourages people to do certain things or to desire to do certain things. In simple words, motivation means making someone interested in a task in some way.
Is it necessary in everyone’s life?
Yes, it is necessary because it creates new enthusiasm in you and helps you to stay focused on your goal.
What are the sources of motivation?
We can be inspired by anything in nature, be it a small flower or a huge building. We can consider the following qualities or emotions as sources of human motivation– need, belief, ideal, seeing, hearing, reading, love, hate, envy, greed, anger, joy, sorrow, dream.
Just as faith, love, joy, dreams motivate people to do good deeds; anger, hatred, violence often push people towards destructive and bad instincts that lead their lives to worse conditions.
Again, some sources of motivation – such as need, seeing, hearing, reading – can cause people to do good or bad things.
Why do we need motivation to be focused?
Every person whether he is successful or not, needs motivation. Just as an unsuccessful man finds in it the spirit of new endeavours, so a successful man finds the stimulus to persevere in his work.
Many times it is seen that a person may want to do a job or may want to start a business, but he is hesitant whether he will succeed in it at all. At that time, even a little assurance or trust from a close person or a special person can instil confidence in that person. Inspiration makes timid people brave. Gives a self-confident person the confidence to conquer the world.
How to stay motivated by Silva Method?
“Create the life of your design.” said by Ken Coscia, Lead Instructor Training Director, Silva Method. In his view, motivation is the key to building the life you design. According to him, the points we should focus on to stay motivated-
- Know the benefits : If we are talking about benefits, we should look both the extrinsic and intrinsic benefits. Staying motivated and focused is very important. And if we have a clear feeling how it’s going to benefits us, how it’s going to add some way more value to us. Besides, we should think beyond ourselves. It’s not an interesting fact to make it all about us. So as we wants to go beyond our intrinsic value, what about our extrinsic value? It’s important to consider the values for anyone else involved. For example, suppose you are running a business and your business is doing well. It is important to know who this improvement is for and what you can do for them. Why would they work for you? So when you are going to achieve a goal, it’s important to look at both the benefits and the values.

- Having a clear future identity: In an atmosphere of uncertainty, everything is changing very quickly. Many are complaining and many are finding ways to fight it. We may not be able to stop this change. So we have to change ourselves, we have to find the talents in ourselves. For which, first of all, we have to overcome the depression and helplessness in ourselves. Work on your future identity that is create a life vision. Imagine and visualize in a quite relaxed meditative state.

- Access your Alpha and Theta brainwaves state: When you are accessing your alpha and theta brain waves state, you are learning anything so faster. You can make a stronger impression. Live as if it had happened already. And to do so you have feel it emotionally, you have to do it repeatedly until you achieve it, because repetition is important. The more you imagine and visualize, the more you live it in your heart, in your being in your brain specially in a quite relaxed state as if it has happened already, that will ultimately cause you to feel more hopeful, more optimistic. It will make you feel more confident and enhance your creativity.

- Build your confidence: Don’t know how to build confidence? Look at the evidences first. The number doesn’t lie, the data doesn’t lie to look at the evidence. So it’s one thing to have an intuitive insight, it also helps though to be able to integrate that with the evidence. To build your confidence, at first try to find it in your inner self. Look back in your past, the challenges you faced, worse situations you overcome and handled them with excellence. Sit down in a relaxed mood as you want to get into a super learning state that will cause you to make very strong impression on your brain and your being, and when that happens you will begin to act as if it’s happened. You will began to have ideas insights or get into a flow with your intuition. Reflect and relive some of your past time of excellence, it’s very important to figure out your past achievements to get motivated.

How to get focused?
It is indeed true that no amount of motivation will help us progress in life if we do not make efforts to motivate ourselves. Hence self motivation is absolutely necessary to keep oneself steady and persistent in action. So if you want to keep your focus on something, you must first find the motivation within yourself. Now to be focused and motivated you can follow some tricks and tips-
- Know yourself: To stay focused on your goals, you must first know yourself -What your strengths and weaknesses are. Know your weaknesses to make sure they become your greatest strengths.
- Make your goal fixed: If your goal is fixed and your efforts are steadfast, then nothing can shake you from your focus. So set a goal and work hard to reach that goal.
- Visualize your goal : Create an imaginary map of your journey to complete your goal with a calm and steady mind. Determine how many steps you want to take to achieve your goal. Now set a timer in your mind within which you have to reach your goal and see you can easily conquer it.
- Analyze your progress : Review your progress at regular intervals and work on your shortcomings to keep yourself motivated and focused.

- Reward yourself : Reward yourself after every success you have. Treat yourself so that you don’t feel any lethargy and you can easily maintain your lively mood.
- Take a break : After a long period of work, take a break. A long busy work period can create stress and depression in you which can disrupt your work consistency. So whenever you feel stressed, you should take a break. At this time you can do whatever you like – play music, watch movies, chat with friends, spend time with family.
- Meditate on daily basis : Meditation is one of the best ways to keep yourself motivated and focused. Meditate at regular intervals every day and you will notice the change yourself. Because meditation will calm your mind and by removing your stress, it will instil a positive self in you which will help you stay focused on your work.
- Read and listen motivation speeches: You can also listen to motivational speeches to keep yourself focused. There are many motivational speeches that will give you courage and give you the strength to fight. Maybe these speeches will not get you to your goal but it will inspire you to get there, motivate you to move forward.
- Avoid all distractions : Avoid everything that prevents you from reaching your goal. You can achieve success only if you overcome all obstacles, all distractions. So if you feel that your mobile phone is distracting you, then try to reduce its use as much as possible. Because success is not possible until you overcome your distractions.
Bottom line:
Success requires nothing but hard work and constant focus. Motivation paves the way for that success. So always keep yourself motivated, focused and persistent in your actions and take yourself to the top of improvement.
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