How to heal your skin naturally using the Silva Method
Silva Method – Introduction to Meditation
Meditation has been known and shown to heal your skin naturally through its physiological and psychological relaxation effects. Meditation reduces stress, inflammation, and blood pressure and improves immunity and heart health, aiding the body’s healing process.
Meditation is also a proven way to reduce stress and anxiety, both common factors of skin and health problems. Daily meditation treats the root cause of skin issues by treating the underlying stressor. Practicing the Silva techniques daily helps you achieve a healthy mind, body, and soul, which leads to a glowing outward appearance.
For instance, feeling self-conscious about skin issues such as rosacea or acne symptoms will worsen the condition, causing a flareup.” Therefore, meditating daily or even a few deep breaths can alleviate this tension and help you cope or improve with any skin or health condition.
Not only will meditation help your skin, it will also extend to other parts of your body. Meaning your body can better regulate blood flow depending on how much oxygen you need at the time. Therefore, using the Silva techniques can help you improve your overall health.
How Silva Method Can Help
A little explanation of what you need to do before entering your meditative world using the Silva Method programs. Let us use the “Mirror of the Mind,” a technique learned in the Silva Method.
With the “Mirror of the Mind,” you use visualization and imagination to change an existing situation and create anything you desire to have, do, or be.
The two important keys to success are using the alpha level and building and recognizing a solid and supportive belief system, such as your faith. You Must Have Faith to achieve all your goals and dreams. Faith is made up of three major components, which are desire, belief, and expectancy.
When any one of the three factors is strong enough, the chances are that it can carry the others. When there is enough desire, then there may be enough energy available to ensure success, even if belief and expectancy are not strong enough. All these three factors must be present to some degree when programming for a purpose. If the desire is not strong, it takes greater belief and expectancy to get results.
Ask Yourself These Questions
Desire is a motivating force pushing you on. It is very important that you have a strong desire to continue moving forward with the flow of life. In fact, without desire, you would probably never begin.
Ask yourself these questions, “Do you really desire what you are programming for? Do you really need it? Is it important to you? Does it serve a purpose? Does it solve a problem? There is a much stronger desire for necessities than for luxuries.”
Your consciousness does not like to work on make-believe problems. Your intelligence is meant for correcting real problems — the bigger the problem and the greater the need, the stronger the desire you will have. When faced with a life-threatening challenge, there is a tremendous desire for what needs to be done.
Belief is an acceptance about you or a situation that sets the plan for what is. Belief supports you while you wait for what you have subjectively created to manifest in the objective dimension in the real world of life.
Ask yourself the following questions, “Do you believe you are worthy of what you seek, or that the situation merits a solution? Do you have any doubts regarding the situation? Do you really believe it can happen?” However, the slightest doubt can sabotage you because you doubt it might not work when it always works for you due to your desires. It is a matter of time that your desires and dreams come true.
Expectancy is the appearance of a belief that is positive about the outcome
Confidence comes with success. This is why remembering your successes is important. Take credit for your successes as you use your “Mirror of the Mind” technique. Practice whenever you have an opportunity so you can accumulate many successes. Later your successes will be your trigger points.
When you are functioning within the levels of the mind, there is no need to function with too much effort as you would in the physical world. This will only create tension, which tends to bring you out of your level or does not allow you to have conscious awareness to what you are programming for since your mind is too occupied with nothing of importance. No matter how hard you make it happen for yourself, your mind operates in a manner to make your goals come true. Just have faith and believe that you shall always receive what you want.
The other thing you can do is program for future conditions as if they have already happened. And believe you have already received. In the levels of the mind, it already exists. You have already created what you desire and want.
It is important for desire, belief, and expectancy to be just right. By doing so helps ensure successful manifestation of your goals.

The Law of Attraction
This universal law operates whether you know it or not. Your personal energy, how you think and feel, believe, and expect, attracts similar energy. This law works best if you consciously participate.
Create your desires with these basic steps…
– Get very clear on what you want. Once clear on exactly what you desire, focus on it. And stay positive.
– Remember what you imagine must be consistent with what you want.
How to heal your skin naturally using the Silva Method.
– Allow the Universe to give you feedback, so give it three days before you apply your second programming. This could be the most challenging part for you because you think nothing is happening when it is. So always stay with great faith.
– Take appropriate and agreeable action. You can leave all the details to the Universe. The possibilities are endless.
– All you need to do is expect it. Act like you already have it. And be grateful for what you are going to receive.
– That’s it! Now expect all good things to happen. Feel good, knowing that what you want is on its way.
Always expect to get what you want because miracles do happen every day.

Reinforce Your Programming
Whenever you think of your project, visualize and strengthen your solution image in the white-framed mirror.
Once every three days, enter your level, visualize your solution to reinforce it, and keep the desire strong. This helps keep your enthusiasm high.
On important projects, visualize your solution at level every day. Imagine or recall the feeling you would associate with success.
At all levels, believe you have already achieved your goal and maintain the feeling that you have already received it.
You have planted a seed of success. At the levels of your mind, your project has been completed, and it is yours to claim. Now, consider the physical dimension, like soil. It takes time for the seed to grow through that soil and surface where it can be seen in the physical dimension. Here is where you take those same steps you took while you were in your levels of the mind and bring them into the real world of life. You first see it subjectively, in the levels of the mind, then objectively, in the real world of life by taking the steps that must be taken. Therefore, you can’t go from A to Z in a blink of an eye, for you have to go A, B, C, D, etc. The same applies when programming for a purpose you desire.

Programming Explained
To keep your expectancy high, program in the following manner – using the Mirror of the Mind technique; first, visualize the existing situation or problem with the blue-framed mirror directly in front of you. After making a good study of the problem, erase the problem image that is within the blue-framed mirror. Then move the mirror to your left, change the mirror’s frame to white, and create with your imagination your desired result and project it onto the white-framed mirror.
In other words, you transfer the problem from the objective dimension, the real world of life, to the subjective dimension, your levels of the mind, where you can use your imagination to change what needs to change for the better.
How to heal your skin naturally using the Silva Method.
While in the white-framed mirror, answer the following questions, “What is it I desire? How will it make my life different and better? Who is going to give me feedback? When do I expect to achieve this goal? Why is this important to me?
Answer all these questions visually to clarify and completely define the image in the white-framed mirror.
After that, step into the mirror and lock in the feeling of accomplishment using the Three Fingers technique. Or by simply knowing that it is a done deal.
From then on, visualize the solution you have created whenever you think of the project. The success of your programming is a result of many factors, including precise imagery, persistent action, and awareness of feedback.
Using the “Mirror of the Mind” technique with the right ingredients and the right intentions will always bring successful results.
Negative intentions do not bring anything positive in return.

Recognizing Feedback
Feedback is information in response to your programming and can help guide your next move. It is neither negative nor positive. It has no contradiction.
If, after your programming, you begin to experience improvements, and recognize that you are moving toward your goals, then the feedback tells you that you are on the right track. If nothing happens within three days, that is feedback telling you you need to adjust your programming. You may need to consider your desire, belief, and expectancy or change your mental images.
·Did you visualize the problem accurately?
·Does it represent your present situation as it really is?
·Is what you imagined as the outcome or goal the best thing for you?
·Do you truly believe the goal is something you can manifest?
·Are you limiting the direction from where you are getting your result?
·Are your internal and external actions, behaviors, and thoughts supporting the goal?
.Are you using all of your sensing facilities to full capacity? Such as, can you smell it, taste it, hear it, see it, touch it, and so on…?
But remember that you cannot recognize feedback if you are in denial. Sometimes you want something so desperately that you are blind to the truth of the response, yet you choose to ignore it. By recognizing feedback, you will create the life of your own dreams.

Mirror of the Mind Technique Exercise
The “Mirror of the Mind” is used for solving problems and achieving goals.
Create and project on your mental screen a full-length mirror. This mirror will be known as the “Mirror of the Mind.”
This “Mirror of the Mind: can be mentally increased in size to surround itself within its frame a thing or things, a person or persons, a small scene, or a large scene.
The color of the “Mirror of the Mind” frame can be mentally changed from blue to white. The blue frame symbolizes the existing problem or situation, which can be converted into a project. The white frame represents the solution, the goal, or the outcome you want.
How to heal your skin naturally using the Silva Method.
To solve a problem or to reach a goal with the “Mirror of the Mind,” enter the Basic Plane Level with the 3-to-1 method.
Then project the problem situation onto the blue-framed “Mirror of the Mind.”
Make a good study of the problem by visualizing an image of the problem, thing, person, or scene. After making a good study of the problem, erase the problem image. Move the mirror to your left and change the mirror’s frame to white. At that time, create and project a solution image onto the white-framed mirror.
From then on, whenever you think of the project, visualize the solution image you created framed in white.

The Blue-Framed Mirror
You use the blue-framed mirror of the mind in the first programming or when you get clear and significant feedback that you have moved toward your goal. Going back to the blue frame redefines a new situation and establishes a new starting point.
When you set a goal that is progressive in nature, such as reducing pain from the body, cutting back on smoking, or reducing a large amount of weight, it may be better to program in small steps — taking one small step at a time which always makes it possible to achieve.
For example, eliminating pain completely may not be believable and may even work against you. Consider using your imagination to reduce the amount of pain by reducing the pain to discomfort than
ones that have been achieved; next would be eliminating it completely once and for all. When you get feedback that you have reached that goal, then you repeat to complete the programming. However, to achieve that, you would have to do it on your own, for it will not be achievable if you use a guided recording since it will not allow you to create a solution. Therefore, solutions can be found when programming on your own.
From then on, only visualize your goal. When using the “Mirror of the Mind,” keep in mind a picture of you in perfect health and a belief that you will get there.
When programming, learn to maintain an attitude of “this or better.”

Some general guidelines
The first step is to find your level – the alpha level – and learn to activate your mind while remaining at the alpha level. This is a process you can learn, and you learn it by practicing the Silva Centering Exercise, which is the Long Relaxation Exercise.
That doesn’t mean you listen to a recording with your eyes closed. It means you follow all of the instructions with eyes closed, get involved, and cause it to happen. You cause your body to relax, one part at a time, and you relax mentally by noticing details of the tranquil and passive scenes. The ideal way is to memorize the procedure and then practice it on your own to make sure that you do not just drift off but actually remain involved and do each step.
Have you been practicing my father’s program? It is important that you do not mix various self-help programs when you are learning one. Stick to the one you are learning the most. Give it a fair chance to work.

How to know whether you have entered the alpha state?
How do you know you are entering the alpha level and functioning there? An untrained person will go back to beta when they activate their mind to analyze information, solve problems, etc.
In our Silva in-person or live online classes, everybody knows because, at the end of class, they are able to do things with their mind that they cannot do physically. We test every student by having them project their mind to a distant location and detect information about a person who has been injured or is sick. You pair up with another student to do this, and the other student has information written down about their relative or friend so that you can confirm that you were accurate. You do this at least ten times – you detect information about other people, and other students detect information about people you know. Once your mind has learned what to do, then you can easily continue on your own.
The first signs which shows you are entering the alpha state
First, when you use your mind (your thoughts) to relax your physical body, you know you are on your way. When your body relaxes, your brain waves slow down, so we take advantage of that natural phenomenon. When you relax your mind and keep your attention on tranquil and passive scenes, brain frequency slows. When you drift off, just bring your attention back.
My Father invested 22 years and half a million dollars working it out, and during the last 40 years, millions of people have used it successfully. Once you have practiced entering your level – my Father recommends 10 hours of practice for adults – then you can use it to correct problems.
So here’s another way to know you are on the right track: When you have a situation that you do not understand, or you need an idea, or you are not sure of the best decision to make, enter your alpha level and think about it at alpha.
Alpha is the ideal level for thinking
It is named “alpha” because the 10 cycles brain frequency was the first frequency ever detected emanating from the human brain. It is the strongest because there is the least impedance at 10 cycles per second—the fewest impediments to the flow of electrical current… the fewest impediments to clear thinking. To my Father, who had been in the electronics repair business since he was 14 years old, that meant it is the most efficient electrical circuit in the entire brain.
So when you do your thinking at the alpha level, you will detect more information than when you do your thinking at beta. Your mind will detect more of the information that has been impressed on your brain neurons throughout your life. You will analyze this information more clearly. And you will gain insights that you did not have while thinking at the beta level.
The alpha advantage
At alpha, you can think of all the things you have done successfully in the past – you will remember more of them when you are centered… at 10 cycles alpha – and you can think of many things you have to be thankful for. I’ve done that many times. When I get frustrated or scared, I can go to my level, relax “at the beach” for a few minutes (the beach is my “ideal place of relaxation” – there aren’t any physical beaches here in Laredo), and then I can think of the possibilities that are out there.
An advantage of doing that is that it gets you into a better mood, and this is important when you are dealing with other people. Nobody wants to be around somebody projecting negative energy – fears, frustration, unhappiness, or uncertainty. So you can use your level to change your inner feelings, and that will change the energy you are projecting… which will change how people feel about you. Instead of wanting to avoid you, they will want to work with you and help you.

3-Scenes Technique
You can use the 3-Scenes Technique to correct specific problems. First, of course, you need to identify the problem. It needs to be a problem that you can honestly believe that you can correct. And it must be “within the possibility area” and without doubts in mind.
For instance, we do not have any formula to regrow a flesh and blood arm or leg if a person has lost one. It is not within the possibility area – based on everything we know at this time. And no matter what we may say to ourselves, we know deep within that there is virtually no chance of growing a new one, no matter how we program. Therefore, what you see in the mind must be very realistic, for those same steps is a must to take in the real world of life physically.
An interesting Story
A graduate who was repeating the class once complained that she had been programming to lose 50 pounds without success. “Can you really imagine yourself losing 50 pounds?” the Instructor asked. She thought about it and admitted that she couldn’t. “How about 10 pounds? Can you imagine yourself 10 pounds lighter?” he asked. “Maybe,” she replied. “How about 5? Can you believe that you could reduce your weight by 5 pounds?” She gave an enthusiastic “Yes!” to that question. “Then program to lose 5 pounds,” the Instructor suggested. “Then another 5, and another 5 after that. Eventually, as you have more successes, your confidence will increase, and you will be able to believe that you can reduce 10 pounds, then 20 pounds, and eventually you will reach your target weight.”
Laws of Programming
The Laws of Programming are also very important. My Father always talked about “correcting problems.” He didn’t program just to get things for himself, only to correct problems. If he needed something to help him correct a problem and improve conditions on the planet, then he would program to get it. The intention is very important: He programmed to get it to continue to correct more problems.
The first thing is correcting problems. We can only go by what people do—the same with higher intelligence. Promises don’t mean anything without action to back them up. “Faith without works is dead.” Therefore, you need to take the same steps you did in the meditational world in the real world of life. That is why it must be very realistic when you program for a purpose any purpose you desire.
People promise that if higher intelligence helps them out a bit, they’ll go out and do wonderful things to improve conditions on the planet. “If I win the lottery, I promise I’ll give 25 percent to charity!” Then the next person promises to give 50 percent to charity. Those promises don’t mean anything. “What percentage of your earnings have you been giving to charity already?” My Father would ask. “How much of your time goes to helping others, to correcting problems, and improving conditions on the planet?” Most of the time, the answer is NONE…
My Father was always quick to point out that his program and his techniques don’t change anybody’s life. People would come and thank him for developing such a wonderful program and techniques, and his reply was: “Don’t thank me, you did it yourself!”
In other words, his program(s) and all of the techniques don’t do anything. You can use them to help you achieve what you need and carry out your mission in life. The Mirror of the Mind is the most powerful technique I’ve ever seen, so take time to learn and use it.
The Three Scene Technique reinforced by Mirror or the Mind
My father would say that the first step in solving a problem is to be aware that a problem exists. We do that when we visualize (recall) the problem in the first scene.
After that, we want to concentrate on correcting the problem. That’s why the 3-Scenes Technique formula says:
“Anytime in the future when you think of this project, visualize (recall) the image you created of the desired end result in the third scene.”
If there are changes in the person’s condition, then you can visualize these in the 1st scene. That is like “updating” the “project” that you are working on.
If the person improves,
then visualize the improvements in the 1st scene. This will be like placing a “backstop” so that the condition will not regress to what it was previously.
Otherwise, “visualize (recall) the image that you created of the desired end result.” Do this any time you think of the project.
It is natural to think of the problem sometimes. Whenever you happen to think of the problem, always erase the thought – erase the problem image – and visualize (recall) the image that you created previously of the solution in the 3rd scene.
Let the results guide you as to how to proceed. When you see positive results, keep doing what you have been doing. If not, try something different.
It is good to break projects down into small steps.

Steps to the "Three Scenes Technique"
The first time you use it for a particular problem, you visualize (recall) the problem in Scene 1. Here is where you will visualize the situation the way it is.
Then in scene 2, you visualize whatever you need to do to make it happen.
Then in scene 3, you imagine it all better because of the changes you did, which is the case that will make it better. Do that the first time, after that, when you use the technique, just use the 2nd and 3rd scenes, and in the 3rd scene, visualize (recall the mental image you created with your imagination the first time) the problem corrected.
If, on the third day, you are not getting a solution moving you in the direction of your main goal, that only means you need to put more information into scene 2. You need to use all of your sensing faculties to full capacity, meaning you need to feel, taste, smell, see, live, and so on. You also should be asking the who, what, where, when, and how will this be manifested, and you must have your desire, beliefs, and expectancy high, for that is your faith and hope to make it all happen for you. Plus, you need to stay as positive as possible in all areas of life to receive what is needed for the moment and for years yet to come.

Mirror of the Mind Technique
First, visualize the existing situation or problem with the blue-framed mirror directly in front of you. After making a good study of the problem, erase the problem image. Then move the mirror to your left, change the mirror’s frame to white, and create with your imagination your desired result and project it onto the white-framed mirror.
In other words, you transfer the problem from the objective dimension, the levels of the mind, to the subjective dimension, the real world of life, where you can use imagination to alter it.
While in the white-framed mirror, answer the following questions: What do I desire? How will it make my life different and better? Who is going to give me feedback? When do I expect to achieve this goal? Why is this important to me?
Answer all these questions visually to clearly and completely define the image in the white-framed mirror.
Finally, step into the mirror and lock in the feeling of accomplishment using the Three Fingers technique.
From now on, whenever you think of the project, visualize the solution you have created. The success of your programming is a result of many factors, including precise imagery, persistent action, and awareness of feedback.
Using the Mirror of the Mind technique with the right ingredients and the right intentions brings successful results. Negative intentions do not bring about positive results. So remember to stay as positive as you can…
Do these things, and I’m sure that you will succeed.

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