Improve your Immune System with The Silva Method
We have come so far with the Silva Method, exploring new aspects of it, we have certainly enjoyed the effective results of the Silva Method. When we talk about the Silva Method, the first thing that comes to our mind is its effectiveness in the field of meditation. As a scientific method of meditation, it has played a special role in relieving our fatigue as well as relieving our stress, anxiety and developing confidence, concentration, mindfulness and positive spirit. Not only does Silva Method work on the mental state, but its benefits can also be seen in improving our physical health. Among the many benefits of Silva, the one we will discuss today is the improvement of our immune system which helps to keep us disease free and lead a healthy normal life.
Main objective of Silva method
The main objective behind Jose Silva’s invention of the Silva Method was to relieve mental stress through relaxation and strengthen one’s mind and brain. However, this unique invention of Jose Silva did not stop at developing human psychology. Rather, as the research progressed; more surprising aspects of this technique came to light. After various analysis and experiments, it was understood that the Silva method is not only about mental relaxation, but those who are practicing this method are experiencing peace of mind as well as improvement in their physical condition. Increase in immunity power is also one of the key benefits of Silva Method.

What is immune system ?

Immune system is the body’s own defense mechanism which consists of different biological entities which works against diseases that attack the body. It consists of a complex network of cells, tissues and organs that together makes a mechanism that helps the body fight diseases. A large number of disease causing microbes i.e. pathogens, live around us, which constantly enter our body and try to disrupt its normal activity. The immune system is the mechanism that helps our body defend itself against these disease-causing microbes.
Benefits of a strong immune system
The immune system plays a very important role in the body. When our immune system is strong, it destroys infectious agents that enter the body and helps protect the body against diseases. It fights against various foreign bodies such as bacteria, viruses, parasites etc. and eliminates them from the body thereby keeping the body healthy. With a strong immunity system our bodies are also able to heal wound faster. Robust immunity also results in less fatigue and allows the body to stay more active during physical exercise.

Silva Method and Alpha State of Mind
During the research, José Silva observed that the different electrical waves produced by the exchange of neurons in our brain determine our different activities and mental states. Now the question was which brain wave can be controlled to develop one’s intuition, mind connection, consciousness besides relaxing oneself. Research and data analysis show that the alpha state level of mind, which is activated at a frequency of 7-14 Hz, calms our mind, develops deep consciousness within us, and helps us to overcome negative thoughts and reach our goals. Silva realized that his research would only be successful if he could control alpha brainwaves and later developed techniques that were based on this theory.
How is the immune system dependent on mental status?

Our brain controls all our activities and body mechanisms. But if our mind is disturbed in any way then our brain cannot continue to work in normal rhythm. And it has been observed that when a person suffers from depression, stress, anxiety and insecurity, it has a profound effect on his entire body mechanism. The person then suffers from various physical problems such as insomnia, excessive fatigue, loss of appetite, digestive problems and many more. Weakness of the immune system is one of them, because if the mental state is not well then the mechanism that manages our immunity cannot work properly. And our immune system loses its ability to fight off any external agents. So keeping our mental state healthy is very important to keep our immunity power effective.
Why can the Silva Method prove beneficial in strengthening the immune system?
Now since the Silva Method activates the alpha state of our brain and makes our mental state stronger and healthier, there is no doubt that one of its benefits will be on our immune system. Our daily stress, fatigue, depression, anxiety not only affects our brain but also affects our body and health. And which reduces our body’s ability to fight various external microscopic agents. The Silva Method calms our mind and brain. As a result, our brain and body relax, our body functions return to normal, and our immune system recovers to fight those pathogens.

How the Silva Method Improves the Immune System?

When one imitates the Silva Method, he enters into alpha state and feels changes in himself. His mind calms down, concentration increases, interest in work increases, bad thoughts are removed from the mind. As a result, stress is reduced and the various organs and mechanisms work properly. A healthy mind and body also strengthens our immune system.
Silva's various techniques to strengthen the immune system
Meditation has proven to be beneficial in keeping our health fresh and boosting our immunity power. The Silva Method has many means by which we can boost our immune system. Some of them are discussed below.
Silva Mind Control Method: The Silva Mind Control Method is course that teaches you how to control your mind and get rid of stress and enter your alpha state.
Three Fingers Technique: The Silva Method Three Fingers Technique is a novel invention by which whenever one joins the tips of the first and second fingers against the thumbs of both his hands his mind immediately adjusts to a deeper level of awareness and he enters his alpha state. You can use this technique anywhere anytime and enjoy its benefits.
Silva 3-2-1 Technique: The 3 2 1 technique of the Silva Method is very useful for entering a deeper alpha state as it relates to your breathing. First, calm your body and mind. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, count to the number 3 for three times. Take a deep breath again and mentally count the number 2 for three times while exhaling. Take a deep breath again and count
1 for three times while exhaling. You will see that you have easily entered the alpha level.
Silva mirror the mind technique: Go into your alpha level in the 3-to-1 method and place a full-length mirror on your mental screen, and feel that it has a blue frame. Now visualize your problem in the blue-framed mirror and do a brief review of the problem. Move the mirror slightly to the left in imagination and imagine the frame changing to white. Visualize the solution
or goal you want to achieve in the white framed mirror and accept it. Now you can close your session and thus reap the benefits of Mirror the Mind.

The immune system is inextricably linked to our mental state. So keeping our mind healthy and fresh is very important to keep our immune system strong. And that’s exactly where the Silva Method works. By using the various techniques of the Silva Method mentioned above, you will be able to control your mind effortlessly and that will have a positive effect on your body and health.
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You can also get free consultation & 24*7 Email Support with Diana Silva, President of Silva International and daughter of José Silva.