Natural Ways to Manage & Overcome Depression: The Silva Method
Do you often have a constant feeling of sadness and lack of interests in daily activities? Do you find it difficult in getting out of your bed even when you are not sleepy? Have you started natural ways to manage & overcome depression overeating/eating less? Does it feel like not stepping out in the sun or staying dark?
If you are having such feelings lately, then this might be the symptoms of Depression or major depressive orders as referred by many people. Yes! Natural Ways to Manage & Overcome Depression can take a toll on your life leaving you with a feeling of emptiness. In may countries, depression is still a taboo and a disease that does not exist as people believe. But let me give you a fact check- depression affects more than 264 million people worldwide every year. It can have a significant impact on an individual’s life including their ability to work, study and engage in social activities.
In this modern world of technology, such mental health diseases are absolutely curable. But despite the availability of effective treatments, WHO has reported an estimated 703,000 deaths by suicide. It is the second leading cause of death worldwide, led by depression. The major reason behind this is the stigma in the society and the lack of awareness. People tend to shy away from speaking up on this topic. This is where Silva method comes in. Through its life changing programs, meditation techniques and self awareness abilities, Silva method has helped over millions of people to overcome and fight with natural ways to manage & overcome depression. Not only coping with depression, Silva method has transformed many lives enabling them to achieve their professional and spiritual goals. So, in this article, we will discuss about how we can handle natural ways to manage & overcome depression naturally using Silva Method.
Mindfulness & Meditation Techniques
For those, who aren’t aware of the Silva method, Meditation & mindfulness are the core of this self-help program. Practicing it’s guided techniques can help you with alleviating the symptoms of depression. We know, easier said than done! That is why Silva method came up with various programs making it easier for you. Let’s give you an overview of some of the techniques that helped a a lot of people battling with depression:
Cantering- this technique helps you to release tension and relax your mind by focusing on a specific point in the body like the center of your forehead or chest and taking deeper and slower breaths.

Mirror of the mind- This involves visualization techniques to paint a picture of a positive situation or future outcomes in your mind, helping you to manage the feelings of depression like sadness or emptiness.
Mental Rehearsal– This may seem similar to the mirror mind technique, however this technique includes constant mental rehearsing of positive scenarios. It could be anything like having a successful professional life. This helps individuals to build confidence and improve their mood
Three Fingers Technique– Using your thumb, index & middle finger as an anchor to help mind focus, you can practice this technique. This is a mind relaxation technique that enables you to focus better and unlock your memory power by using just three fingers.
Motivation & Focus: Tomorrow is different than today
Always remember that, today is not indicative of tomorrow. The fact that you are alive is a proof of the chances life has gifted to you. These are not monk saying but are actually practical. So if you are unable to get out of your bed or achieve set goals, then you have the opportunity to try again tomorrow. If it doesn’t happen tomorrow, then try day after tomorrow. All you need to to do is stay motivated and put away the giving-up attitude. Silva method has introduced several programs that train you to control your mind improving your focusing abilities and having a clear thought process. Some of the mostly followed techniques includes:
● Silva Alpha Sound
● Silva Theta sound
● Visualization Techniques
● Silva Long Relax Exercises
Practicing these natural and simple methods, many people across the globe has cured various mental health issues like stress, anxiety and chronical natural ways to manage & overcome depression.
Creative & Expressive Therapies

Using Silva method techniques you can enter in your mind and make it work the way you want. These techniques are yet to be considered as a formal therapy, but it highly complements other therapeutic approaches and be a powerful tool for managing and overcoming depression. Few examples of techniques that can be used as a creative and expressive therapy to manage depression and anxiety are:
Mindfulness – It comes with constant meditation. Its not a one time job. You can only achieve the desired goals if you are consistent. Mindfulness is a state of mind where you have the ability to awaken your mind and soul and stay fully engaged in any course of activity. Once you reach the mindful state, your brain functions actively in all directions and allow you to think creatively.
Creative visualization – This is quite similar to visualization technique. Creative visualization is a technique that involves imagining yourself in a very specific situation, such as achieving a goal or overcoming challenges in real life. This technique has especially helped people suffering from depression, improving their ability to focus on positive outcome, having a positive attitude towards life in general and visualizing themselves overcoming real life obstacles.
Art Therapy – The Silva method can also be used in conjunction with art therapy, which involves using art as a form of self-expression and therapy. By combining visualization and art therapy, you can use your creativity to explore your emotions and express yourself in a safe and supportive environment.
Simple yet Heathy Lifestyle Changes
This method involves exercises, a healthy eating habit, change of mindset and maintaining a sleep hygiene. Now, for a person fighting with major depression disorder, incorporating all these steps in their daily routine at once might be difficult at beginning. Practitioners of silva method says, instead of doing all at once take each step at a time. Set a realistic and achievable goal according to your will. For instance, if you dont feel like exercising, what you can do is take walk around the blocks. If you are overeating or dont feel like eating in the regular schedule, then eat only when you are real hungry or start by having two full meals as per your appetite.
The point here is to take small steps and have larger impacts slowly on your lifestyle rather than setting unrealistic and unattainable goals. Always keep in mind that, what you are feeling today, might change tomorrow. Hence, practicing the above explained techniques along with such small steps towards simple & healthy lifestyle can definitely improve your mental health.
Easy to-do Exercises & its Benefits

This doesn’t mean getting a gym membership. Do any sort of exercise that you like whether its dancing or practicing yoga. Or just tune into your favorite music, tap your feet or nod your head. A simple bossy shaking will do. These are absolutely doable by changing your mindset towards positivity and enlightenment of your life. Silva Dynamic meditation program enables such mindset and gives you a push towards engaging yourself in any sort of physical activity.
For some people, exercise can be as effective as medication. So encourage yourself to do whatever your interests are. If you are into writing or painting, you can start journaling or simply play with colors on a blank sheet to express yourself. Engage yourself in household activities like doing the laundry, cleaning your space or moving chores. Know that, physical or mental exercise in any form has been proven as an effective method to cope with natural ways to manage & overcome depression.
Quantity or Quality Sleep

Disturbed sleep or unable to get quality sleep are common problems in depression. Some people suffer from disruptive sleep cycle as in falling asleep at unusual times like sleeping at 5 am in the morning or 5 pm in the evening. Silva method practitioners suggests focusing on quality sleep instead of quantity sleep. For eg, you may feel sleepy even after sleeping for 8-9 hours. This is because of lack of quality sleep.
The tip here is to fall into a healthy sleeping routine. Take an aim for 7-8 hours of sleep at usual hours. Try getting into your bed by 9-10 pm and wake up at morning. Try this for a week and you will see positive results. This way, you will also be able to get quality sleep and maintain your daily routine. Don’t forget that sleeping for longer hours or having fragmented sleep are both signs of chronical natural ways to manage & overcome depression.
Treat yourself with Rewards
Even people excelling in their lives gets easily demotivated if remained unrecognized of their hard work and efforts. Rewarding is a simple method to motivate an individual to keep doing their hard work and remain consistency in their professional or general life.
Now rewarding yourself may seem dramatic for some people, but if that works for you then why not! Although it doesn’t mean to throw a party for yourself or celebrate with a Champaign. Silva method trainers and their followers who are already flourishing their mental well-being and recovered from the symptoms of depression, has stated that “every meaningful effort and goals achieved through consistent hardships are worthy of recognition”.
Social Support & its Role in Depression Recovery
Last but not the least, social support plays a very important role in recovery from manage & overcome depression. Since, depression leaves individuals feeling isolated and alone in their life, it’s significant to get rid of such feelings. Seeking social support, you will have someone to share your feelings and express yourself.
Sometimes the support you look for resides close to you, you just have to speak up your mind. So this doesn’t mean you have to search for that person to depend on. It can be anyone, be it your friend, family, sibling or your partner. It was well stated by a Silva method practitioner, that “instead of depending on drugs and alcohol, it’s far more helpful to depend upon your loved ones”. So, interact with your beloved ones, if not physically- use the advantage of technologies. Remember that people care about you way more than you think. Avoid the feeling of being a burden- as they don’t.
Note that these simple methods and techniques may not work overnight, but gradually it will. If you are willing to change the state of mind that you are stuck in right now, follow these simple yet powerful techniques of Silva method. Set a weekly or monthly goal & evaluate yourself. If you feel like things are not working out for you, there is no harm in taking a step back and start again. Trust the process and you will see tremendous outcomes. Also, if you wish to learn more about the Silva self-help techniques, checkout our list of online programs at https://silvamethod.com/stores/

Enroll in the Silva Method

Enrolling in the Silva Method could be one of the best decisions you make for your personal development journey. The program, developed by personal development coach Josh Silva, teaches techniques based on the latest scientific research in neuroscience, which can help you tap into the power of your mind to achieve your goals. With the Silva Method, you’ll learn how to overcome limiting beliefs, boost your confidence, and unlock your full potential. Plus, the program offers courses that teach you how to use meditation and visualization to achieve deeper states of consciousness and tap into your inner wisdom. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your life – enroll in the Silva Method today!