Self-Reflection – Power That Comes With it
We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience.~ John Dewey
What Is Self Reflection; Why Is It So Important and Powerful?
As we each journey along our own unique pathways through life, there is an incredible power in taking time for self reflection. It is different than meditation or even setting intentions. Self reflection is when you set aside some time to simply review where you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re headed. It’s when you look honestly and without judgment at your life to see where you’re on track and in alignment with your soul mission and purpose and where you could use a little realignment or upgrade.
It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life. The chaos of challenges and even the comfort of routines that are less than what you really want to experience. This is why it’s so powerful to take the time to pause, step back, zoom out and reflect about where you are, how you got here, and to look at the bigger picture of where you’re headed.
Self-reflection is incredibly helpful in understanding who you really are, where you want to be, and where you’re actually headed. It empowers you to learn from your mistakes, grow through challenges, and consciously progress on the path leading towards where you really want to be.
So What Does Self Reflection Look Like?
Self-reflection is simple. Grab a journal, cozy up with a mug of tea, and start to look at who you are, what you’ve been doing, and wherein your life you’d like to see some positive changes and upgrades. Look at your life, honest. But it’s also important not to judge where you are or where you want to improve.
You may want to ask yourself some questions like these:
“Where am I on track in my life?
What am I doing now that’s in alignment with my soul purpose?
What are my core intentions?
Where have I gotten off course this past year?
How can I more fully stand in my authentic truth and shine my light?
What really brings me joy?
How can I serve with joy and love in the highest interest of all?
Self-Reflection Without Judgement
The key here is to reflect without judgment.
As you practice self-reflection — presence, compassion, divine neutrality, and returning to love are essential. It’s also a good time to clear your mind of preconceived notions and limiting beliefs and to tune into gratitude for the many blessings you do have.
When you do, the Universe can align you with so much more than you’ve ever imagined!

Reflection now paves the way for expansion to come!
Being honest and aware of where you are; would be the first step in growing and dreaming up a more inspiring, fulfilling, and brighter future.
Both individually and on a vast collective scale.
A part of this reflection process is recognizing all that you already have, honoring who you are in your full light, discovering new possibilities to step into, and also observing where your life needs a little updating and improving…
Here are some areas of life you might want to reflect upon:
As you read through this list, notice what areas you feel happy about, and with non-judgment, become aware of where you could use some positive change and transformation.
Spiritual Connection
Mystical Experiences
Material Possessions
Connection with Nature
Connection with Spirit
Living Situation
Soul Family
Fulfilling Work
Work Environment
Family Relationships
Staying in Non-Judgement
Psychic Senses
Add to this list if you wish!
Next, tap into your imagination, and start thinking about what your most vibrant possible life really would be.
What do you really want to see, do, be, and experience in your life?
What does your ideal day look like?
What are you doing, feeling, and experiencing?
Think about how magical, wonderful, and fabulous the upgrades you’re calling forth in your life will be.
What does your upgraded life really look like?
What will really excite, fulfill, and inspire you?
Take some time to journal about this and put into writing, in as much vivid detail as possible, what it is you really want to experience.
The purpose of this self-reflection prompt is to identify the areas you want to improve and then really focus and get detailed about what an upgrade looks like for you!
What do these areas of your life look like when they’re upgraded from where they were before?
Get clear about where in your life you’re ready to change.
We’re living through a powerful time of change and transformation, and using this energetic passageway to reflect and realign with your inner light will help connect you with a fresh new supply of energy.
So you can step forward in your life with a new sense of focus, clear intentions, and with your outlook positively realigned.
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