Scientific Study Of The Silva Method
Scientific Study -Silva Method
One method of obtaining mental peace and heightened awareness is via the practice of meditation. The Silva Method is a popular kind of meditation, although there are many more. Many individuals highly regard the Silva Method of meditation.
This self-help program’s inventor is Jose Silva. It teaches individuals how to reprogram their subconscious brains to eradicate bad ideas via guided imagery.
Over 130 countries now provide seminars based on this approach. This kind of meditation may help you develop a more positive attitude on life and a higher sense of self-worth.
Relaxation and cognitive development are connected to a feeling of personal well-being, according to this hypothesis. You may learn more about José Silva’s Silva Technique by reading this Scientific Study Of The Silva Method. keep reading.
Meditation with Silva: What Exactly Is the Idea?
The three pillars of the Silva approach are as follows:
- There Are Two States Of Mind: Alpha And Theta
The brain wave states are being discussed here. Cells are known to self-repair, reduce stress, and boost the immune system while the body is in this condition. Additionally, the individual will have an easier time overcoming their self-doubt.
- The Healing Power Of Imagery
Images of how things will turn out are a kind of therapeutic imagery. Healing images might begin after the individual is in an alpha or theta state of mind. Keep in mind that the visualization should be done in real-time.
- DBE’s Thoughts
Want, Belief, and Expectation are all abbreviated as DBE for short. According to the Silva technique, one must cultivate a strong desire for the desired outcome. The next stage is to believe with all of your heart that you can achieve the objective. ‘ After then, the aim should be seen as a certainty. This strategy may benefit from a tiny goal, a minor health problem, or a huge objective or serious illness. The placebo effect lies at the heart of the DBE. To prove the efficacy of a medicine, it must be tested against a placebo and thus reveals the potency of the placebo.
The View from a Scientist
Dr. Hahn inspired a new generation of scientists to pursue cutting-edge studies into the mind and human potential. Tom Slick Sr., the oil billionaire behind the Mind Science Foundation, started it all. Mr. Slick tasked Dr. Hahn with reviewing Silva’s work. He came back with a glowing review of the work he’d done.
To check on Silva’s results further, Dr. N.E. West of Wayland Baptist University’s Department of Psychology in Plainview, Texas, was contacted by Dr. Hahn following Dr. Hahn’s trip to Laredo.
The Trip Was a Huge Success
Dr. West, a friend of Dord Fitz, an art professor in neighboring Amarillo, encouraged Fitz to ask Silva to talk to his art students after the successful visit. Fitz came up with inviting Silva to Amarillo to conduct a class after many students indicated an interest in studying Silva’s skills.
More than 80 pupils attended the first Silva Method course. Silva organized a second session for them since they were already informing him that their family and friends were also interested, even before they had completed their training.
The Silva Method spread via word of mouth and is now available in over 100 countries and 29 languages, benefiting millions.
On the other hand, Dr. Hahn was preparing a trip to the world’s most renowned parapsychology laboratory, the Mind Science Foundation Laboratory in Los Angeles, California, while Silva was enthralling students and artists with his discoveries.
Silva saw a scientific experiment with a plant here, and it persuaded him that the human mind had the power to change matter just by thinking about it.
The Silva Method’s brochures include weekend courses like hand levitation, relaxation retraining, and projection onto trees, metals, and other things. Alpha breaks are also available for rest and recovery. Training the mind to enter an alpha state, when brain waves remain within a certain frequency range, is part of the course work. The mind and body can rest in this condition.
According to critics, scientific procedures and evidence are not used to support the Silva Method’s beliefs and assertions.
Participants and teachers’ testimonials serve as the primary sources of program validity. Others point out that his theories on the mind’s workings are outdated or incorrect. Because of its emphasis on Christ awareness, some argue that the technique is more religious than scientific, as opposed to scientific. Several positive outcomes have been reported by participants in the program, including decreased stress levels and improved self-esteem.
Also, you can check our latest program & courses
- Silva Life System Complete Course
- 4 Steps to the Silva Life System (Audio Course)
- Silva Long Relax Exercise by Jose Silva
- Dynamic Meditation
- Silva Master Classes
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