Visualize Your Success: Proven Methods for Effective Visualization
That is a big stumbling block for many people. That’s because so many people do not know what it is and have very unrealistic expectations. Visualization is remembering what something looks like. Period.
You only “see” with your physical eyes, your eyesight. When your eyes are closed, you can’t “see” anything because you are not using your eyes. If you are trying to “see” something when you visualize, you will go to the beta brain frequency. You do not want to do this…you need to be at the alpha frequency to use your intuition and to program.
So…you SEE with your EYES, you visualize with your mind, that is, you recall to mind what something looks like. Sure, it is wonderful to have nice clear “mental images” like you are talking about, but most people DO NOT have them. Our research indicates that 80 percent of people do not have good clear mental images, and it does not matter.

What to do in order to visualize
To be successful in using your intuition to be successful in programming, all you need is to think about what something looks like. Have you ever seen an animal…a dog, a horse, etc.? Can you tell me what it looked like? How many legs? How big? What color? Solid color or spots, or stripes, or what? When you do that…when you recall what it looked like…you are visualizing. That’s all you need for success.
The clarity of the mental images…or the lack of them…has nothing to do with your success in using your intuition or your success in programming. Worrying about it creates stress for yourself. That will inhibit your chances of success!
I used to think to myself that I would just imagine what I would visualize if I actually could visualize. That works. If you just think about what something looks like, you are visualizing. If you think about what something would look like that, you have never seen (or imagined) before, that’s “imagination.” If you imagine that dog with six legs instead of four legs and imagine where the extra two legs would be and what that would look like, that’s imagination. Later, when you recall that 6-legged dog, where the extra two legs would be, and what that would look like, you are visualizing recalling something you experienced before. It does not matter whether you have mental images or not.

Visualize the Accomplished Goal
You create a scenario in which you are experiencing your goal as if it was already a reality. Imagine what it feels like to have accomplished your goal. You continue using this visualization until you finally achieve your goal. Of course, you do need to take some action to help it along.
Whenever you happen to think of your project, visualize and strengthen your solution image.
Once every three days, enter your level and visualize your solution to reinforce it and keep the desire strong. This helps keep your enthusiasm high.
On important projects, visualize your solution at level – every day. Imagine or recall the feeling you would associate with success.
At all levels, believe you have already achieved your goal and maintain the feeling that you have already received it.
You have planted a seed of success. At the levels of your mind, your project has been completed, and it is yours to claim. Now, consider the physical dimension, like soil. It takes time for the seed to grow through that soil and surface where it can be seen in the physical dimension.
Here is where you take those same steps you took while you were in your levels of the mind and bring them into the real world of life. You first see it subjectively, in the levels of the mind, then objectively, in the real world of life by taking the steps that must be taken. So, you can’t go from A to Z in a blink of an eye, for you have to go A, B, C, D, and so on. The same applies when programming for a purpose you desire.

Learning to Use the Power of Imagination
Now that you are clear about your goal and you know how to move into and out of a meditative state, you are ready for the next step – becoming an expert at imagination.
Your imagination is one of your best strategies for achieving your big goals. In the Silva Method, you use the power of imagination by practicing visualization techniques.
You create a mental workshop or laboratory where you can practice visualizing. Choose something that you want to focus on. A great choice is to focus on one of your important goals.
You are going to be the writer and director of a mental movie. In this mental movie, you are going to create a scenario where you have already achieved one of your big goals.
Next, imagine that there is a big movie screen approximately six feet in front of you. On this big screen, you are going to act out the script you have created – the one in which you have achieved your goal.
See yourself having already accomplished what you want. Feel how wonderful it feels to live the life you’ve always dreamed about. Enjoy it as you absorb it all. You deserve all that is good and better than what you asked for.
Enroll in the Silva Method
The Silva Method is a self-help program that aims to train people to use more of their brain’s potential, achieve deep relaxation, and develop intuition. It was developed by Jose Silva in the 1960s and combines meditation, visualization, and positive thinking techniques to improve mental clarity, creativity, and overall wellbeing. The program is based on the premise that the mind can be trained to achieve alpha and theta brainwave states, which are associated with relaxation and creativity, respectively. The Silva Method has gained popularity worldwide and is used by many individuals to manage stress, improve focus and concentration, and enhance their spiritual growth. If you want to learn meditation and also about how to do visualization then enroll in the Silva Method.