A closer look at Silva Method: How does it work
Silva Method is based on the idea that our minds have incredible powers, and that by learning to harness that power, we can create a positive impact on our lives and the world around us. Many modern-day illnesses, such as stress, heart disease, depression, anxiety, loss of attention, and mental clarity, are either directly or indirectly linked to mental health. Experts in this fields also refer these as mental health issues. But if you are already practicing the Silva method from quite sometime now and still struggling to fight those inner demons, then this blog is meant for you. Further in this blog we will dive deep in Silva meditation techniques, the mistakes we commit while meditating, the principles of a closer look at Silva method and how does it work and what can we expect out of this whole holistic approach.
Silva Meditation techniques
Always remember that Meditation is a matter of consistency. It’s totally fine if you find it difficult to concentrate or keep your calm in the beginning. Trust me! We have all been through that phase. Just stay focusses and motivated and never ever give up. If you want to achieve the desired goals and desires, keep practicing the following techniques until you overcome that phase:
1. Meditation Place: What’s your favorite spot? Or do you just meditate anywhere? If you often jump from one corner of your house to another just to find that place, then our suggestion is -stick to one place. Be patient, find a quiet and comfortable place and fix it to meditate on a regular basis. Accumulate yourself before starting meditation and then close your eyes.

2. Breathing Techniques: Keep in mind that focusing on your breathing techniques and doing it in the right way can create wonders for both your physical and mental health. So, when we ask you to take deeper breaths, we mean inhale to the point where you feel you can’t anymore and then exhale but as slow as you can. Don’t forget to relax and feel calm with each breath.
3. Counting backwards: This technique actually helps you to go deeper in the Silva meditation methods. If you are already done counting from 10-1, then don’t stop there and repeat counting. Remember to concentrate on your breathing techniques rather than counting. Many people give so much attention to counting that they forget to continue taking deeper breaths. Keep counting until you feel relaxed and slowly start the visualization process. Imagine yourself at a serene place where you can feel calm and relaxed.

4. Point of Focus: Now you are counting while focusing on your breathing techniques, and have already started the visualization process. Keep continuing the process until you reach a deeper state of mind relaxation. Once you reach that state, imagine a white beam of light or a ball of energy in the exact middle of your mind. It’s the focal point of meditation.
5. Repeat Affirmations: since you have entered that state of mind where you can feel yourself calm and relaxed, it’s time to chant some positive affirmations. Or you can create your own affirmations that corresponds to your goals that you want to derive through this process. For instance, if you wish to reduce your stress and anxiety then you can repeat “ I am calm and relaxed”. Keep visualizing while repeating the affirmations.
6. End of the Process: If you are beginner continue the whole process for at least 20-30 mins, but if your practicing it for a while, extend the process for like another 10-15 mins. Stay composed and allow yourself to be in that state of mind for as long as you want. When you feel like ending the process, slowly open your eyes while taking deeper and slower breaths.
5 common mistakes we commit while practicing Silva Meditation Techniques
Know a closer look at Silva Method is not just a bunch of hocus -pocus. Its a simple yet powerful and scientifically-backed tool, that harnesses the power your mind and shape your life in positive manner. So, it may not be working for you now, but eventually it will. Now, lets learn about some of the common mistakes that we usually commit in the beginning. Avoiding such mistakes, you can make your journey to Silva method easier and smoother.

1. Expecting Immediate Results: It’s a common mistake amongst many people, who have just started the meditation process. Always keep in mind that meditation is a practice that requires patience and consistency. It’s quite similar to a weight-loss journey. You don’t get to see the results immediately. It takes a lot of time and effort to achieve the desired goals. So its extremely important to set realistic expectations.
2. Trying too hard: While it’s important to make an effort to meditate, trying too hard can be counterproductive. It’s important to find a balance between effort and relaxation. Striving too hard to achieve a certain state of mind can lead to frustration and make it more difficult to focus.
3. Putting way Distractions: We know that it is the most challenging element in meditation process. Our minds are naturally restless and its easy to get sidetracked by different thoughts & sounds or any other stimuli. That is why we suggest to choose a place where you can remain unbothered. Choose a time when there is no immediate emergency & put your phone silent. If you still loose your focus, just acknowledge these distractions and gently bring the focus back yo meditation.
4. Criticizing Oneself: This is the phase where we start having negative thoughts about this whole process and our own self. Feelings like “unable to concentrate” or “am I doing it right?” are common at this stage. However, meditation is a non-judgmental practice. So, instead of criticizing yourself and doubting the process, be kind and compassionate towards oneself. Consider any challenges and setbacks as an opportunity to grow and not to give up.
5. Not being Consistent: Like any other skill, meditation requires regular practice to see its positive results. Its important to make meditation a part of your daily routine and be consistent with it. With respect to your busy schedule, try out the Silva meditation process for few minutes. You will see significant results over time.
Follow Silva Method Principles to make it work
Now you know what you should do and what you should not while practicing the Silva method. If you follow the above explained techniques and avoid the mistakes, then you have probably entered that state of mind. But, at the same time you must know that Silva method is based on certain principles that form the foundation of the method. Let’s take you through some of the main principles of The Silva Method:
1. Relaxation: Relaxation is the key to the Silva Method. It is the foundation of all the techniques and practices taught in the program. Through relaxation, we can release stress, calm our minds, and enter a state of heightened awareness.

2. Visualization: Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you achieve our goals. By visualizing our desired outcomes, we can create a mental health image that our subconscious mind can use to shape our actions and behaviors.
3. Intuition: For some people intuition plays a vital role in this journey. Intuition is basically a gut feeling that arises spontaneously, often without any logical explanation. Silva Method also emphasizes the significance of intuition. By trusting our intuition, we can tap into our inner wisdom and enhance our decision making abilities in all aspects of life.
4. Mind-Body connection: It is an important aspect of the Silva method. It has also been referred as the “synchronization of your mind & body” in the course of Silva method. In common words it is about recognizing the connection between your mind and body. By using our minds to influence our bodies, we can promote our physical health and well-being.
5. Self-awareness: The Silva Method also encourage and promote the importance of self-awareness. By becoming more aware of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, we can identify areas for improvement and make positive changes in our lives.
Positive effects of Silva Method
It has been reported a closer look at Silva method has several positive effects on the individuals who practice it on a regular basis. But it also comes with a fact that you have to be consistent with the process, be patient and follow the laws of the method as explained in the above topics. By doing so, you can expect wonderful results for your physical and mental well being. To list a few, here are some of the positive impacts of the Silva Method:
1. Stress & Anxiety Reduction: Since the process involves regular practice of meditation and relaxation, it can reduce your stress and anxiety levels immensely.
2. Improved focus and concentration: By practicing the visualization techniques and seeking a positive attitude, Silva method can improve your focus and concentration in your daily activities.
3. Enhanced Creativity: Tapping into the subconscious mind and entering into your inner soul can awake your creative skills and problem solving abilities. This also boosts your confidence level and improves your communication skills
4. Improved health: The Silva method helps you to recognize the connection between your mind and body, that directly promotes your physical and mental health.
5. Improvement in relationships: When you learn to communicate better through the Silva method, it automatically enhances your relationships and creates a sense of understanding.

If you are practicing the Silva method or just a beginner, these techniques will help you to take control of your subconscious mind, if practiced in a disciplined way. Further, this mental energy can be channelized to bear productive thoughts that results in positive outcomes. Give a closer look at Silva method another try. You never know- it just might be the key to unlock your inner superhero!
Enroll to the Silva Method
Do You Want to Learn SILVA LIFE SYSTEM & SILVA INTUITION SYSTEM the complete online course ? The biggest Silva Method Course combo is here. You must grab it !!
You can also get free consultation & 24*7 Email Support with Diana Silva, President of Silva International and daughter of José Silva.