Awaken Your Mind with Silva Method Meditation: A Step-by-Step Schedule
The Silva Method teaches you how to master your thoughts and use the power of your mind to achieve what you want. Since most people struggle to achieve a specific goal, the Silva Method can be the answer.
Your brain is an amazingly powerful instrument that functions at different levels throughout the day and night. When you are awake with your eyes open, you function at your Beta levels. When you are sleeping, you function at your Theta levels. And before falling asleep or just after waking up, you are functioning at your Alpha levels, where you can manifest and achieve solutions to your goals.
Each level is unique, and no level is better than any other. However, achieving specific goals is easier when you use the level that naturally supports it.
Jose Silva, the founder of the Silva Method, was a pioneer in discovering how powerful the human mind works. During his research, he found that when you dip into a deep meditative level, also known as an Alpha level, you can successfully program to achieve your goals. Many people wonder about how to do meditation, Silva Method can be a great answer
Meditation – Where the Silva Method Starts
The first step in the Silva Method is going into a meditative level, the Alpha level.
The Alpha level is a state of controlled relaxation with conscious awareness. When you are in this level, you feel very relaxed yet fully conscious. It is a place where you do your manifestation to achieve your goals.
When you are in your Alpha levels, your mind is ready to manifest solutions. You can program at this level with empowering ideas and solutions without worrying about interference from your negative, limiting thoughts.
This is the level to use to manifest your goals, do problem-solving, control pain or anxiety, improve your memory, and more.

Enter your Alpha Levels
In the Silva Method, it is important to learn how to enter and come out of your Alpha levels. The steps below make it easy to follow.

Step 1 – Entry
Assume a comfortable sitting position, and close your eyes with your eyes turned upward at a 45-degree angle. This helps encourage your brain to enter your Alpha level.
To enter the physical relaxation level 3, take a deep breath, and while exhaling, mentally repeat and visualize the number 3 several times and you are at level 3.
Level 3 is for physical relaxation, to learn to relax from head to toe in a matter of seconds.
To enter the mental relaxation Level 2, take a deep breath and while exhaling, mentally repeat and visualize the number 2 several times, and you are at Level 2.
how to do meditation through Silva method
Level 2 is for mental relaxation, where noises will not distract you. Instead, noises will help you to relax mentally. To enter Level 1, the Basic Plane Level, take a deep breath, and while exhaling, mentally repeat and visualize the number 1 several times.
You are now at Level 1, the Basic Plane Level, that you are learning to use for a purpose, any positive purpose you desire.
Step 2 – Deepening
To help you enter a deeper, healthier level of mind, count from 10 to 1. On each descending number, you will feel yourself going deeper, and you will enter a deeper, healthier level of mind.
You will always have full control and complete dominion over your faculties and senses at all levels of the mind, including the outer conscious level.
Step 3 – Programming
This is where you can program your mind with positive thoughts and affirmations. Remember, at this level, work with empowering thoughts that you want to become part of your belief system.
You can also use this step to program your imagination to help you achieve a specific goal. When doing so, imagine everything vividly, exaggerate your images, and make sure your images are realistic. Before coming out of level, energize your end result and say, “I want this or better.”
Step 4 – Exit
Here is where you direct your mind to come out of your meditative level. Tell yourself,
“I am going to count from 1 to 5. At the count of 5, I will be wide awake, feeling fine and healthy, feeling better physically, emotionally, and spiritually than before. 1, 2, 3, at the count of 5, I will open my eyes, be wide awake; feeling better than before; feeling the way I feel when I have slept the right amount of revitalizing, refreshing, relaxing, healthy sleep. 4, 5, eyes open, wide-awake, feeling fine and healthy, feeling better than before.
Eyes open, wide awake, feeling fine and in perfect health, feeling better than before.
Using the Silva Method for Active Goal Setting
The Silva Method has great tools to use for goal setting and accomplishment.
Step 1 – Desire
Desire is a motivating force pushing you on. It is very important that you have a strong desire in order to continue moving forward with the flow of life. In fact, without desire, you would probably never begin.
Ask yourself these questions, “Do you really desire what you are programming for? Do you really need it? Is it important to you? Does it serve a purpose? Does it solve a problem? There is a much stronger desire for necessities than for luxuries.”
Your consciousness does not like to work on make-believe problems. Your intelligence is meant for correcting real problems — the bigger the problem and the greater the need, the stronger the desire you will have. When faced with a life-threatening challenge, there is a tremendous desire for what needs to be done.
Step 2 – Belief
Belief is an acceptance about you or a situation that sets the plan for what is. Belief supports you while you wait for what you have subjectively created to manifest in the objective dimension meaning the real world of life.
Ask yourself the following questions, “Do you believe you are worthy of what you are seeking, or that the situation merits a solution? Do you have any doubts regarding the situation? Do you really believe it can happen?” However, the slightest doubt can sabotage you due to the doubts you have that it might not work when it will always work for you due to your desires. It is a matter of time that your desires and dreams to come true.
Choose a goal where you honestly believe that you have a chance to succeed.
Step 3 – Expectancy
Expectancy is the appearance of a belief that is positive of the outcome.
You must expect that you will accomplish your goal. It might not happen today, but you must expect that you will eventually succeed.
Your expectation is the link that taps into the limitless power of your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind has the power to create in ways that you can’t even imagine. And it uses your expectations as the blueprint for what it is going to create for you.
You might not necessarily get what you want, but you will always get what you expect. Make sure you expect the best or better.
Confidence comes with success. This is why remembering your successes is important. When you are functioning within the levels of the mind, there is no need to function with too much effort as you would in the physical world.
The other thing you can do is program for future conditions as if they have already happened. And believe you have already received it. In the levels of the mind, it already exists. You have already created what you desire and want.
It is important for desire, belief, and expectancy to be just right. By doing so helps ensures successful manifestation of your goals.
Step 4 – Programming Explained
To keep your expectancy high, program in the following manner, first, visualize the existing situation or problem directly in front of you. After making a good study of the problem, erase the problem image, and create with your imagination your desired result.
In other words, you transfer the problem from the objective dimension, the real world of life, to the subjective dimension, your levels of the mind, where you can use your imagination to change what needs to change for the better.
While doing that answer the following questions, “What is it I desire? How will it make my life different and better? Who is going to give me feedback? When do I expect to achieve this goal? Why is this important to me?
Answer all these questions visually in order to clarify and completely define the image you have in mind.
After that, step into the image and lock in the feeling of accomplishment by simply knowing that it is a done deal.
From then on, whenever you happen to think of the project, visualize the solution you have created. The success of your programming is a result of many factors, including precise imagery, persistent action, and awareness of feedback.
Using any of the Silva techniques with the right ingredients and the right intentions will always bring successful results.
Negative intentions do not bring anything positive in return.
Step 5 – Positive
You must set your goal using a positive statement. Most people know what they don’t want, but they usually don’t focus on what they do want. It is important for you to be very clear about what you really want and that it is stated in a positive way.
This universal law operates whether you know it or not. Your personal energy, how you think and feel, believe, and expect, attracts similar energy. This law works best if you consciously participate.
Create your desires with these basic steps…
Get very clear on what you want. Once clear on exactly what you desire, focus on it. And stay positive.
Remember what you imagine must be consistent with what you want.
Allow the Universe to give you feedback, so give it three days before you apply your second programming. This could be the most challenging part for you because you think nothing is happening when it is. So always stay with great faith.
Take appropriate and agreeable action. You can leave all the details to the Universe. The possibilities are endless.
All you need to do is expect it. Act like you already have it. And be grateful for what you are going to receive.
That’s it! Now expect all good things to happen. Feel good, knowing that what you want is on its way.
Always expect to get what you want because miracles do happen every day.
Step 6 – Recognizing Feedback
Feedback is information in response to your programming and can help guide your next move. It is neither negative nor positive. It has no contradiction.
If, after your programming, you begin to experience improvements, and recognize that you are moving toward your goals, then the feedback is telling you that you are on the right track. If nothing happens within three days, then that is feedback telling you that you need to make some adjustments in your programming. You may need to consider your desire, belief, and expectancy or change your mental images.
·Did you visualize the problem accurately?
·Does it represent your present situation as it really is?
·Is what you imagined as the outcome or goal the best thing for you?
·Do you truly believe the goal is something you can manifest?
·Are you limiting the direction from where you are getting your result?
·Are your internal and external actions, behaviors, and thoughts supporting the goal?
.Are you using all of your sensing facilities to full capacity? Such as, can you smell it, taste it, hear it, see it, touch it, and so on…?
But do keep in mind that you cannot recognize feedback if you are in denial. There may be times when you want something so desperately that you are blind to the truth of the response, and yet you choose to ignore it. By recognizing feedback, you will create the life of your own dreams.
A Taste of the Silva Method
The Silva Method is a program with great tools to help you take control of the power of your mind so you can live the life that you want and dream of. The more successfully you can control your mind, the more you will be able to positively impact your life and all of your desires, and by using the Silva Method, anyone can manifest and achieve their goal!

Enroll in the Silva method
If you’re looking to unlock your full potential and achieve greater success and happiness in life, then enrolling in the Silva Method course may be just what you need. The Silva Method is a powerful self-development program that teaches you how to use your mind more effectively, tap into your intuition, and access your inner wisdom and creativity. Through a combination of meditation, visualization, and self-hypnosis techniques, the Silva Method can help you overcome limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns, boost your confidence and self-esteem, and improve your overall health and well-being. So if you’re ready to take control of your life and create the future you desire, consider enrolling in the Silva Method course today.